The Art of Getting By


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Ok work was better today, due to a major car launch event. Wheeee hard work but fun! Plus i was in charge of an area by myself and didn't have to listen to too much bitching. And sooooo many babes i see *wolf whistles* the tall tall kinds with high foreheads and sharp noses all wearing stilettos and each carrying a chanel 2.55 evening bag. No kidding, i saw at least 5 different colours of the same bag in one night. Wait a few months maybe i'll get one myself (yeah right).


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rough patch?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

This is the first time i'm seriously thinking of quitting my job. I do like what i'm doing, if i could i would go into the same industry. But the people here are terrible. The management is screwed up. There is no teamwork or whatsoever. People are just concerned about themselves, how to make themselves look good and how to point fingers at others. This is a fine dining place, i would expect the staff to have some class, but no, they frequently curse and swear and shout and CRY in front of guests. That's just plain stupid, i would have known not to do that even if i were 12. It's like some freaking coffee shop. I feel like i'm just plain wasting my time here with no proper guidance. I am not blatantly putting the blame on the floor staff because that's the way there are; these are the delinquents you see on the street who do nothing but smoke and drink all day and frequents the jail cos of fighting. They can go work in MOS as far as i'm concerned. But for the management to take in such people to serve rich stuck-ups and expats........

.....and they wonder why guests often complain about bad service.

The most irksome part has to be the fact that no one actually takes the effort to train me. I dunno if some people see me as a threat or what. Imagine that the first day you start work, the gm was very nice, he lets you read their 'manuals' and bring you around. Then as mentioned before, nobody will explain company rules to you. No one actually tells you how they operate except only briefly. Then they ask you to do guest relations. How? Watch and find out. The next day, you go serve at the bar. Oh no, how i know how to take orders? Just write something and ask the ah lian with fairy tattoos if it's correct. She might diao you and wonder how the hell you don't know as she's been doing this since 14, but you just get used to it. Then serve at dining area, repeat learning process. Random people will dulan you cos they feel they have been overworked. You only can shrug cos you're still learning how to take orders properly. Basically, you have to learn how to do everyone's job (even the cashier's), but you can only learn by watching and asking questions WHILE they are furiously running around working WHILE others will wonder what the hell are you doing just watching (ahem when really, you can be pardoned since you are used to being SERVED and not SERVING). Then maybe the boss likes you a little and asked you to plan rosters, and the usual people who do them gets insecure and complain/treat you like a threat. You try to ask questions and they go "you're in charge of blahblah what why you ask me". These can refer to the people of higher positions than you.

The manager whom you report to only talks to you in the transport, or about the politics here (i actually would not like to know more).

Tell me if i'm just going through a rough patch or is my workplace absolutely horrible. It's so crazy. I know i applied to be cabin crew and sometimes i wished i had taken JAL but then again, politics would still be there. Arghh i just wanna stay at home and sleep.


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drama at work

Monday, July 07, 2008

When friends tell me about whatever office politics thing that happen during internships, i tend to not make much comments. No offense, but they are all very small fry to me, and i can't really think of much to say.

Have you seen a bunch of workers on strike before? People involved in an argument to the point where girl starts to hyperventilate and you had to send her to the hospital? Manager decides to resign and never turned up for work?

All happening in one day?

I believe these are only the tip of the ice berg. There are so much more shit behind these shits, so many bloody childish and brainless people in this world. This job really opened my eyes and see that the world is not just filled with people like me and those i know in school.

And i used to want the whole world to like me and nobody to dislike me but i have to understand that as a manager it's never gonna happen. There are bound to be people who hates those who uphold rules; i never liked all my teachers. I'm just this indecisive airy fairy girl but now i need to learn to be firm.

It's like a survival training here and i need to be a tough girl :(


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