The Art of Getting By

random thoughts of the day

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You know how there are just some contacts on your msn list that collects dust? They just never talk to you. And you know how if one fine day one of them suddenly do, but all they want to do is just ask favours from you? It irritated the shit out of me. Worse, she sounds like i'm supposed to feel obliged to help. Hello you are not my mother i don't owe you a living. Asking me to do surveys is ok though, i'm not that unfriendly.

You know how when you browse through facebook stalking random people's photos and wonder why they are so beautiful? I just did that. I found this girl called Freda who's so beautiful i'm in love with her. She has a sharp chin like me but she has a sharp nose and mine is just the opposite. I'm not so into big eyes anymore and i think my eyes are fine. My cheeks are ok too. All i need is a good nose, flawless skin, sexy hair, longer eyelashes, thicker eyebrows, more boobs, longer legs, and i will be beautiful too i swear!

I just spent half an hour drawing a diagram of ad valerom tax on a commodity which belongs to a monopoly. I also just spent 3 years of my life studying academic theories which will have no application to the rest of my life. Ok maybe a little, when i happen to read the FT. But you know all i read is CLEO and ELLE.

I used to think adults spend their lives doing things that they like but i came to realize they only do things which are expected of them by society. Most of them are just 'getting by', like the title of my blog. Boy, i loved being a uni student because that's the time when you can be totally happy and irresponsible. But all that's gonna end and i really have to start 'getting by' now.


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when are you getting married

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I get funny questions like "so when are you getting married?" Do i look like someone's who's getting married soon? ceying says "you see melody is already engaged", but different people have different plans i guess... you should be amazed at the fact that she's engaged now and not expecting ME to get engaged too! haha...

NEVER! i never wanna get married!


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Saturday, April 05, 2008

I found out that guys are attracted to girls who can 'qie' them (meaning perform better than them) in things that they are passionate in. For example, dondon says he likes female pilots, and a musician i know likes female musicians who can play better than him (sorry i dunno if this particular musician wants the fact to be revealed). CAP 5 Teckie likes pear who is good in her studies, but no one can qie teckie in studies that's understandable.

So i realize i'm actually very unmarketable cos i have no particular fantastic talent or whatsoever.


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All you hard core gamers out there, tell me if i'm being stupid here. I was looking for a game in this particular store, and found its strategy guide instead. Obviously when you see the guidebook, you'd think the game must be around somewhere right? So i approached the staff who provided me with a series of facts.

1) Sorry i can't find it on the shelves.
2) We don't keep stock either.
3) Other outlets don't have. I don't think we sell this game.

At this point of time, you're thinking, hmmm, then what's the point of selling the guidebook when you don't sell the main game itself??? Who would buy?? Perhaps people who already have the game from somewhere else would get it if he managed to lose it somehow, but what are the chances?

So i asked her about it, and she gave me the last fact:

4) Sorry, but the books department and the games department are separate

-_-''''''' omg. gg.

(I gotta tell you that i'm talking about POPULAR Bookstores here. They might wanna know that 1) normal people don't go prancing around in their stores looking for gaming guidebooks 2) normal people would think that gaming guidebooks are managed under the same department as Command & Conquer, and not Harry Potter).


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3 years in hall for me

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Okays. I admit that i have conflicting interests between my own time and my desire for achievements. While i often complain that my schedule is tight, it is a self desire to achieve manymany things at the same time. My friends often hear about how busy i am; i look like 'very poor thing'. Well the truth is sometimes its cos i'm greedy. And i don't manage my time well.

But in retrospect, i'm impressed by the things i've done in the last 3 years, more than any previous 3 years i ever spent. I sang, danced, did hall production, rag dance, volunteered for a year, played sports, canvassed, etc... Almost everything I wanted to do since 1st year.... everything except excelling in the grades department heehee...

I even got my small little creative business.

I'm really happy with what i did though, because i can honestly say i did them all for myself, and never felt obliged towards anyone to do anything because i don't believe in living your life for others unless if you're talking about those people who reallyreally need help okyouknowwhatimean.

Maybe i felt a little obliged towards doing command 08 (final year concert) but i ended up unexpectedly gaining more than i hoped for. So yay!


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clean and clear

I'm damn happy when people tell me i got clear skin... even though i don't know what's the exact definition of 'clear'. But 'clear skin' sounds good lah. Tina says 'your skin is so clear can see veins'. Hmmm but that's not the kinda transparent clear that's good right. I think clear means no pimples and acne and visible scars? But i have big pores and freckles and small pigments. But if mai hiam i guess it's not bad....

But clean is definitely the most important.


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My current favourites

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Watch this:

Then watch this:


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