The Art of Getting By

boifwen gerfwen

Friday, February 29, 2008

Grace says to me YOU'RE SO CHIO and MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! I love grace, she makes me happy. Be my gerfwen!!


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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

People are trying to lose weight to appear slim in their interviews, but i'm desperately trying to put on weight to not look scrawny. C'mon feed me!!!!!!!

Experience tells me that the easiest way to gain weight is to eat supper every night, cos that was what happened to me during the semester when engtat buys us supper all the time. To lose weight, the best way is to............... not eat. I'm sorry to say that but it's the fastest way. I can lose 1-3kg each time i get ill. Or you can grow some ulcers to discourage yourself from eating too much. I'm telling you, it works.


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I feel so needy suddenly. I can't understand why.


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i dunno what i want to prove

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Suddenly, this has suddenly become a personal glory thing. My desire to prove that i could do it is growing stronger than... you know, getting it itself. I'm confused!


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i want a lomo cam!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm such a brat. My bank account is rapidly seeing its bottom but i can't help but keep wanting to buy more stuff. You know, just STUFF in general. Like now, i really want a lomo camera. I want it so badly that i created fake photos that supposedly have the 'lomo effect'.

Original --->

Fake lomo--->

Fake lomo-->
If you dunno what lomography is, check it out here. Yes i'm telling you i'm very bratty. These are the frivolous kinda stuff that i always want, just to entertain myself now and then. I am not ashamed to admit it adds no economic value to my life or whatsoever.


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Vday 2008!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

This shall be a regular photo entry for once. Valentine's day 2008 woohoo!

Me. Sorry the mirror is very dirty.

Dondon's present. A nicely decorated notebook, love bear (i have another one as well), and some obligatory vday chocs. I was supposed to write some stuff in the book but i haven't so it's still sitting on my desk now. He gave me an obligatory rose. Yes simple stuff, but we are poor *sniffs*

We decided to 'save money' and have a quiet picnic by the reservoir, but ended up spending quite a lot of food. Oh well. Still a little less than a good and crowded commercialized restaurant. At least we didn't have to pay stupid GST and service charge to lousy service staff.
Update: Opps. I forgot i already paid GST for the groceries. Do'h!!!

See! All my favourite food! Smoke salmon, nice and fresh crispy bread, fresh lettuce, sweet cherry tomatoes, chunky campbell potato soup, crackers for the soup, honey dijon kettle chips, bunch of grapes, red wine from my last birthday, and chocolate chip cookie dough ben and jerry's ice cream (not shown in pic). These are also the things you should lay out on my funeral! Oh and sushi if you please.

Me trying to act glam.

Smoked salmon and bread. Lettuce and tomatoes on their way...

Tadaa!! Bread turned out to be too thick... i just ate with one slice. Haha! Play cheat.

Chunky soup. I had the privilege of using a 'brandon' spoon, with smiley faces :) :) ("nah! you can use my spoon!")

Yummy chips.

Here, dondon is happily munching away and reaching for more food.

"Oh shit! Drip on my pants! Faster wipe!"

"Ahhhhh! Why cannot come off???!" *swipes furiously at stained pants*

"Ah, forget it. Let the stain stay there lah. Jinling wipes her dirty hands on my jeans anyway. Wee let's have more food".

He tried to light up some atmospheric tea candles, but his romantic efforts were overcome by the strong wind :(

This is a nice scenic picture, but my face is too fat.

The night starts to fall upon us... dondon points at the moon... cannot point hor! Your ears will get cut off you know.

Us! Dondond is so sweet, he bought all these food and prepared them by himself. Sometimes his attention to details amazes me. He thinks about tricks to keep the ice cream frozen for as long as possible, or how to peel lettuces properly so that they would remain in one piece for a pretty sandwich, or how he shouldn't cut the tomatoes first so that they would remain fresh. We even negotiated the optimal size, crunchiness, crispiness and fresh factor of the bread before buying. This makes up for his dislike for shopping.

Ooooooh i almost forgot to mention this. Just when we were in the midst of munching away, dondon commented that sssscarrly later park authorities come and demand for a permit. I wouldn't be surprised, after all, you need permission for virtually almost anything in this land. Sure enough, the authorities van came strolling along our way and the uncle poked his head out. He surveyed our spread for the longest time, before asking

"What's in the bottle?"

Dondon is an honest boy, he said "wine".

"You cannot drink wine here. You must keep it."

Like a guilty kid being discovered reading FHM by his mummy, we hastily hid the bottle away.

Uh huh. I have no idea why i've got no rights to drink alcohol wherever i want. But according to dondon, you can only drink in areas which are permitted to sell alcohol. Hmmm. So next time you buy cheapo long island tea from 7-11, make sure you go to a coffee shop (that sells alcohol) then can drink leh!

End of vday adventure.

We took this pic because i said i'd look better with a higher nose.


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i am an arrogant bitch

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Usually i get a lot of friend request from strangers whom i'm sure are out to collect friends-in-name so that they don't look too loserish on facebook. I usually put them on hold, or on some days when i feel like i need more friends oh what the heck i'll just add them. Sometimes they really ARE my friends, i just forgot, or they have new fancy new angmo names which i don't recognize by. For example, i put dennis on hold for such a long time until i realized he's friends with gracepor lishilee and almost every person in hall.

So this X seng X person added me on facebook. I saw that he's friends with dilys heng, so i thought hmm i must have known him, so i added him. But then... (I censored the image to preserve his modesty).

Wow, i means, reallys? I usually ignore such requests but it just happen i bored. So i replied his messages if he ok. I'm flattered that he wants to add me and get to know me better like a friend, but his facebook wall says he also added many people to get to know them better like a friend, so seems like i'm not his only friend.

I know, i'm so mean. But i find this very amusing. Ok lah maybe he just wants to know manymanymore female friends through facebook and msn loh.

Do you think the easy way out to make a 'friend' works? Even friendships are superficial now.


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more shopping money

Saturday, February 09, 2008

"You know my friend xxxx and xxxxxx are married now, xxxx gives xxxxxx allowance. Would you give me an allowance too next time?"

"Huh, you earn your own money lah, why need me to give you?"

In other words, "huh, who says i'm going to marry you?"

Uh huh. Very clever. It took me a while to realize the neutrality of this answer. I'm stupid lah. Oh no, another imperfecity!


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i'm imperfect!

Friday, February 08, 2008

!!!!!! I'm chickening out. I hate subjecting myself to such superficial judgment. If you think i'm not confident of myself, you right, because i'm not perfect. If you think nah they where got look for perfect people, you're wrong because they are. Where got so many perfect people in the world? There is. I told you, it's superficial. You just have to look as though you are perfect. My confidence level is dipping as i discover more traits about myself that makes me imperfect.


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Fly Emirates

Friday, February 01, 2008

I caught the recruitment video for Emirates on youtube, and it's so enticing. Bad thing is you gotta relocate to Dubai, but hey they give you your own place to stay plus you don't have to pay taxes. Plusplus, most people there are foreigners anyway so you won't feel so much being left out.

I'm attracted by Emirates now, but i think it's just the video =/


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am i wrong?

I always think that i'm correct and others are wrong since i'm the one who understands my own situation best. I often brush off what others tell me because i think they might not know what they're talking about.

But it looks like they may be right. I think i am the most confused one. 旁观者清, 当局者迷

Do i really have more happy times than the contrary? I said i do, to comfort tina more than myself. I think i'm unclear of what i want and what i want to achieve, and occasionally lapses into self-doubt. Sometimes i'm so unhappy, but there's nothing to do about it but to pretend to be happy. I told tina i haven't had a good day in the week. Did you notice? Wahaha i think i've developed an invincible talent of hiding unhappiness. I do notice that i whine more but when i look back, i hate my whining self so much i wish i could give this irritating person 2 tight slaps and stuff her mouth with chilli padi.


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