The Art of Getting By

Who is Lawrence?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Good guess nooj, but no he is not a metaphor.

He is tall, dark, handsome, intelligent, rich, kind, sweet, and all the good qualities you can think of. He is also a medicine student who will graduate when i feel like it. On some days, i feel like he's already a doctor who has saved 156 lives, but then he would be too busy and defeat the purpose of his existence.

So where is he from?

Lawrence is from this place called 'my imagination'.


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Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm getting very frustrated. I've learn not to take your words too seriously and not to have too high expectations of you. But even as my expectations are as low as it can get, you still managed to disappoint me. Bravo. From the little attention i deserved it has become micro-mini-minuscule.


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Saturday, October 27, 2007

I bumped into small steph a while ago and she told me i looked great on stage at Cultural Night, that the programmes were very enjoyable.

So sweet! :) She totally brightened up my day :)

Actually, i know some people did try to convey the same things to me that night, using phrases like "solid lah!"/"goodgood"/"like pageant dance" etc. which i'm also very appreciative of. But no one can say it as sincerely as steph! haha...


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Friday, October 26, 2007

I wanna elope and run away with Lawrence. Maybe we'll find a nice clean beach, set up a beach house and live there happily ever after. We'll still be rich cos many people will come and stay at our beach house. I will wear a bikini and go baywatching everyday.


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sea of marshmallows

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I was reading a travel blog with lotsa pictures and one of them featured a view from the window of a plane where you see a sea of marshmallows!! (clouds lah)

It reminded me of how much i loved window seats on a plane. The view eases my nervousness as the plane takes off (ya i sorta get nervous.....).

So i was thinking, is it possible to request for a window seat if i check in early? Can i chope any particular seat i want like in the cinemas? Can right!!

I love reading travel blogs full of pictures. I swear one day i'll be blogging about how-i-flew-from-London-to-Paris-to-Amsterdam-to-101-other-places too! I hope.


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i like my blog

Monday, October 22, 2007

See, there are many different kinds of blogs in the world (or cyberworld).

Commonly, many blogs are filled with an average of 581 pictures on every single 21st birthdays, class outings, OG outings, shopping with BFFs etc.... you get what i mean. These are usually the blogs which will capture the most readership, including mine. But obviously, i do not have the time and patience to conjure such entries in this blog anymore.

Or, some blogs are filled with philosophies of life and poems of deep literature. Nope, not me either.

Blogshops? I have one!

If i were younger with a much more restricted set of vocabulary and more time to waste, i might have created entries that record every single detail of my life. Eg. 2day i got maths class. i dun like maths the teacher miss tan ish veli boring de lah. after class i went out wif my darling sweet boy dondon 2 eat lunch. we went hougang mall. at 1st he cannot decide whether 2 eat laksa, chicken rice, or pork chop. in the end, i sae i wan chicken chop den he oso order chicken chop liao. hee. my darling boy ish so cute. i lurve euu deepdeep 4eva.

Thus apparently, recent entries of this blog are only of random musings. If you think by reading my blog you have read my entire life, then, please take a moment to laugh at yourself.


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Hello, stranger

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The most pointless question in the world is to ask "Don't you wanna know what's wrong with me?" It's so pathetic.

Sometimes i wanna fade away so badly.


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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

OK i'm usually happy and love the world but maybe cos i'm in a PMSy ranty mood now RARRRR some people just make me SOOOOOOO.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly, if i'm feeling !!!!!!! towards you, i'll be very sarcastic and make you feel embarrassed. However, because some people are just so !!!!!!, they look like they don't feel a slight embarrassment at all, while carrying on their !!!!!!! attitude. Let me tell you about them, but not too blatantly. If you're curious, you can ask me about it. If you're reading this and wondering if you're one of those !!!!!! people i'm talking about, you're probably not, because !!!!!!!! people will never suspect they might be wrong.

1) In a brief description, you keep asking things/favours from me, on the(your) basis that you'll always support me and that we are good friends, which i think we aren't, because good friends don't take advantage of each other. And you think i dunno why you want me as your 'good friend'? Fine, i'm a nice girl i can take favours, but not when i get accused when i don't, or feel obligated to explain why. Clearly, you don't understand because you think the world revolves around yourself.

2) Stop asking me questions just to prove me wrong and flaunt your academic abilities. Yes it's tragic that you can't get full marks for your test.

So depressing, sometimes i wonder if i'm the one with something wrong instead. People are getting more disappointing as i grow up, and i'm getting more disappointed with myself. Currently, i'm happiest staying in my room watching tv. Or bed-hopping among my neighbours' rooms. Being a bum is fun.


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2 years!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Today is 8th October 2007! 2 years already! Happy anniversary darling! You are pwned too! I really dunno what it means.


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i am able to study

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

After dis-engaging myself from most of the hall activities, i find myself having much more time to study. So much so that i actually managed to finish reading the required text in the textbook days before my test. Now i have time to read "model essays" too! I'm so amazed at myself that i actually can become one of those people who read their textbooks over a few times.

But then again, cultural night is coming. Plus i DO have 3 tests. hmmm. Shouldn't be too complacent after all.

I did plan to blog about my birthday but that would involve putting up pictures and i'm lazy zzzzzzzzzzzz.


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